Category Archives: Event Tents

How to Improve the Look of Your Tent

inside look of a tent

It’s the day of your big event, and your tent is up. You chose its style to make sure that people are comfortable and have an incredible experience. Beyond the tent itself, you’ve done your best to prepare it for both a strong first impression and lasting memories – with conscientiously selected lights, decorations, and […]

4 Things to Guide You When Choosing a New Tent Supplier


Everyone wants to get the best possible prices from their suppliers. Excessively prioritizing price and forgetting other factors, though, could lead to delays and other expensive business problems. This truism applies to finding a new tent vendor as much as meeting any other business need. Whether you’re in hospitality or event planning, or need a […]

Making the Most of Your Outdoor Space

outdoor space

The choice of venue is key to anyone organizing an event, and events can be held just about anywhere. If you are in the hospitality industry, you know that location is an important way in which the tone of a gathering is established, whether the reason for convening is a corporate sales conference or a […]